Friday, March 9, 2018


Fungsi cutting oil : untuk menurunkan panas, gesekan, dan melindungi permukaan benda yang dipotong dalam proses metal-cutting operations 

Keuntungan ekonomis dlm penggunaan cutting fluid :
a. Menurunkan tool cost
b. Meningkatkan kecepatan produksi
c. Menurunkan upah pegawai (labor cost)
d. Menurunkan pemakaian daya (power costs).

Karakteristik Cutting Fluid yang baik
1.Kemampuan pendinginan baik
2.Kualitas pelumasan baik
3.Tahan untuk tdk berbau
4.Viskositas relatif rendah
5.Stabilitas tinggi (long life)
6.Tahan korosi
7.Tak beracun & mengiritasi kulit
9.Tidak terbakar

Cutting Oil-coolant fluid merupakan bagian dari metalworking fluid (MWF). Berdasarkan cara pengaplikasiannya, MWF ini sebenarnya dibagi menjadi dua bagian besar, yaitu:
1 Neat oil, penggunaannya tidak perlu dicampur dengan air; Diacool CT-71NT dan Diacool CT-72NT.
2 Water mixable cutting fluid, penggunaannya dicampur dengan air;

a. Water Soluble: Diacool CT-90MS dan Diacool CT-95MS, nama lain dilapangan "Drumus"
b. Semi Sintetic: Diacool CT-117SS dan Diacool CT-118MS
c. Full Syntethic oil: Diacool CT-983SYN

Cara memelihara Cutting Oil :
a. Kontrol kondisi fisik larutan : bau dan appearance
b. Menjaga Hardness Water (Kesadahan air). cek dengan conductivity meter.
conductivity meter

c. Menjaga konsentrasi coolant, Pengecekan dengan refractometer secara berkala.

d. Mengontrol pertumbuhan bakteri (micro organisme) secara berkala.
e. Cek pH secara berkala.
pH paper 

f. Cek tramp oil secara berkala.

g. Training operator secara berkala.

Aplikasi penggunaan cutting fluid (semi sinthetik oil) :

For more details, please contact us :
PT. Aalen Chemicals Indonesia
Jl Pulobuaran III Blok G3,
Kawasan JIEP Pulogadung
Tlp : 021-46830522
Web :
Email :,

Friday, March 2, 2018

Neat Cutting Oil (Straight Oil)

Cutting fluid is a type of coolant and lubricant designed specifically for metal working processes, such as machining and stamping.

The properties that are sought after in a good cutting fluid are the ability to:
·         Keep the workpiece at a stable temperature (critical when working to close tolerances). Very warm is OK, but extremely hot or alternating hot-and-cold are avoided.
·         Prevent scratch on metal surface
·         Maximize the life of the cutting tip by lubricating the working edge and reducing tip welding.
·         Ensure safety for the people handling it (toxicity, bacteria, fungi) and for the environment upon disposal.
·         Prevent rust on machine parts and cutters.

Type of Cutting Fluid:
a. Neat cutting Oil/ Straight oil : Diacool CT-70NT (standard grade), Diacool CT-71NT(Premium Grade)
b. Water soluble : Diacool CT 90 MS (standard grade), Diacool CT 95 MS (Premium Grade)
c. Semi Synthetic : Diacool CT 117 SS (standard grade), Diacool CT 118SS(Premium Grade)
d. Full Synthetic : Diacool CT 80 SYN (Premium grade), Diacool CT 983SYN
(standard grade)

a. Neat cutting oil, Our Product : 
- Diacool CT 71NT (straight oil), packaging : 20Lt/Can and 200Lt/drum
Neat cutting oil

DIACOOL CT 71NT is neat cutting oil that provides good flushing properties, adequate corrosion, protection and does not discolor yellow metal. This has an acceptable odor and the desired skin compatibility.

-          Greatly low cost
-          Excellent cooling and lubricating properties for ferrous metals and non ferrous
-          Contains based extreme pressure additive
-          Good stability high temperature resistant additive

DIACOOL CT 71NT are recommended for general purpose machining of both ferrous and nonferrous metals. It is suitable for milling, drilling, reaming and other similar operations. Lower viscosity grades of this product is suitable as grinding oil in centralized system.
Application of Neat cutting oil in cutting aluminium

DIACOOL CT 71NT cutting oil improves economy by extending the tool life. 

For more details, please contact us :
PT. Aalen Chemicals Indonesia
Jl Pulobuaran III Blok G3,
Kawasan JIEP Pulogadung
Tlp : 021-46830522
Web :
Email :,